Bill Tayler joined the Marriott School of Business in 2012. Bill teaches in BYU’s School of Accountancy as well as in BYU’s Executive MBA and MPA programs. Bill has also taught at Cornell University and Emory University and has received multiple teaching awards. Bill is a Certified Management Accountant specializing in healthcare services delivery, professional judgment and decision making, performance measurement, the assignment of decision rights, incentive compensation, and cost accounting.
Bill has presented his research as an invited speaker at universities and conferences across the globe. His work has been published in top journals, including Accounting Horizons, Accounting, Organizations and Society, The Accounting Review, IMA Educational Case Journal, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Behavioral Finance, Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, and Strategic Finance. Bill currently serves on the editorial boards of The Accounting Review, Management Accounting Research, and Accounting, Organizations, and Society, and as a director of the Institute of Management Accountants Research Foundation.
Bill earned a Ph.D. and a master’s degree at Cornell University, and a master’s and an undergraduate degree at Brigham Young University, graduating with honors. Bill and his wife Sarah have eight children.
Ph.D., Management, Cornell University, 2007
M.S., Management, Cornell University, 2006
B.S., Accounting, Brigham Young University, 2002
M.A., Professional Accounting, Brigham Young University, 2002